Virgin Red - Get 2000 cashback points 🎁

Earn - 2000 points | Time - 2 minutes | Cash Needed - £1

  • Virgin Red is a rewards club that turns your everyday spending into something more rewarding. With Virgin Red, you can earn points on your favourite brands.

    Sign up to Virgin Red here and get 2000 points. Afterwards you can also earn 5000 more bonus points here.

  • 1) Sign up here.

    2) Make a qualifying purchase. Click 'earn' and then purchase something through a specified retailer (you could just purchase something from Ebay here for £1).

    3) You'll receive 2000 points which you can use within the 'spend' section.

    *Points will usually show as pending within 5 days and be confirmed within 45 days (usually quicker!).

    Here's a list items you can spend your points on:

    • £5 Costa coffee gift card - 1,000 points each

    • Vue cinema ticket - 1,350 points each

    • £20 Pizza express gift card - 4,000 points each

    • Eurostar vouchers - from 2000 points

    Join the discussion for this offer here.

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