Virgin Red - Get 2000 cashback points 🎁
Written By Charlie (Admin)
Earn - 2000 points | Time - 2 minutes | Cash Needed - £1
1) Sign up here.
2) Make a qualifying purchase. Click 'earn' and then purchase something through a specified retailer (you could just purchase something from Ebay here for £1).
3) You'll receive 2000 points which you can use within the 'spend' section.
*Points will usually show as pending within 5 days and be confirmed within 45 days (usually quicker!).
Here's a list items you can spend your points on:
£5 Costa coffee gift card - 1,000 points each
Vue cinema ticket - 1,350 points each
£20 Pizza express gift card - 4,000 points each
Eurostar vouchers - from 2000 points
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