Dibz - 2 weekly entries to football bingo ⚽

Earn - 2 x entries (weekly) | Time - 2 minutes | Cash Needed - £0

  • Owned by Paddy power, Dibz combines football and bingo to give you an easy to use betting experience on the Football. Don’t worry this is a completely free offer, you will not need to deposit any cash!

    Sign up to Dibz here and receive two weekly entries to football bingo.

  • 1) Create an account here.

    2) Scroll down to a game that allows you to utilise your free token.

    *You’ll get 2 free entries per week. Each one will allow you to win £10 each time, hence up to £20 weekly! To withdraw your winnings you’ll need to activate your card by depositing £2.

    Join the discussion for this offer here.

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