Lloyds - Get paid £175 to switch your account 🔥
Earn - £175 | Time - 15 minutes | Cash Needed - £0
Lloyds Bank plc is a British retail and commercial bank with branches across England and Wales.
Switch banks here and earn a £175 bonus.
You can't have had switch cash from Lloyds, Bank of Scotland or Halifax since April 2020.
1) Sign up here and use the Current Account Switch Service during your application to close your old account and move it to a new Club Lloyds account (£3 monthly fee). This process must be started by the 1st April.
*You’ll need 3 direct debits on the account you’re switching from.
2) If eligible, you will receive £175 within 3 working days after the switch completes.
3) You can also choose a free ‘lifestyle benefit’ - select either 12 months of Disney+, 6 cinema tickets, an annual digital Coffee Club and Gourmet Society membership or an annual magazine subscription
Here’s our full guide on bank switching and a selection of easy direct debits to set up!
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