Fidelity - Get a £100 Amazon voucher (£5k required) 💸

Earn - £100 Amazon voucher | Time - 2+ day | Cash Needed - £5000+

  • Fidelity International is a global investment management firm that provides a wide range of financial services, including asset management and retirement planning, to individuals, institutions, and intermediaries.

    Sign up to Fidelity here and get a £100 Amazon voucher.

  • 1) Sign up here and open the ISA account.

    2) Make your £5000+ investment the same day.

    3) You should then receive your £100 Amazon voucher within the next few days.

    *Although Fidelity could retract the voucher if you were to withdraw your cash within a 12 month period, it's highly unlikely they will do so. You could consider spending your voucher once you receive it.

    4) Enjoyed this offer? Why not try a similar Large Deposit offer:

    If you manage to make some money from this promotion please feel free to share it with the My Side Gig Facebook community!


YouGov- Earn up to £182.50 a year 🎟️


Nationwide - Earn £100 when you open a student account 🧑‍🎓