Western Union - Earn £10 making a transfer 💱
Earn - £10 | Time - 5 minutes | Cash Needed - £50
Western Union is a global financial services and communications company known primarily for its money transfer and payment services.
Sign up to Western Union and make an international bank transfer here to receive £10.
1) Sign up here.
2) Complete an international transfer of 50 GBP* or more. You could send £50 to your own Belgium Wise account. You'll need to grab your 16 digit IBAN number from your Belgium/Euro wallet on Wise.
3) Head to your 'refer a friend' section and claim your £10 bonus (essentially a £10 gift card you can use online almost anywhere!). This is normally available within the next few days!
4) Enjoyed this offer? Why not try a similar Money Transfer offer:
Here’s the experience of one of our team:
1) Sent £50 to Wise / 7 minutes later the payment was received.
2) After fees the Euros were converted back to GBP with a value of £49.33 (0.67p fee).
3) 2 days later the £10 bonus was available in the 'refer a friend' section.
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