Virgin - Get paid £30 to switch a current account 🔥
Earn - £30 | Time - 15 minutes | Cash Needed - £0 | Expired
Virgin Money is a banking and financial services brand operating in the United Kingdom.
Switch to Virgin here and receive a £30 bonus.
1) Sign up to Snoop.
2) Head to the section titled ‘Switching’ then ‘Savings and Investments’. Select ‘Get this deal’ on the Virgin Money option.
3) Set up an M Plus Account (free).
4) Switch from another bank account when prompted (add your details).
5) Head back to the Snoop app with your new details and connect the account via the ‘Add an account’ section (do this within 30 days).
6) Within 30 days of connecting your account you’ll be granted a £30 Amazon voucher via email.
*This offer expires on the 30th April.
Here’s our full guide on bank switching and a selection of easy direct debits to set up!
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