Dodl - Get a £30 voucher for saving at 4.84% 💸

Earn - £30 voucher | Time - Next month | Cash Needed - £500+

  • Dodl is AJ Bell's take on the simple, low-cost investment app. It has zero-commission trading, and is aimed at newish investors and those who just like to keep it simple. They offer Stocks and Shares ISAs, Lifetime ISAs, SIPPs, and General Investment Accounts.

    Sign up to Dodl here, using the details below, and receive your bonus.

  • 1) Sign up here. You’ll need to enter the details of a ‘friend’ - heres the details of one of our team:

    Charlie Gregory

    2) Open an investment account and fund it with a minimum of £500 (you don’t have to invest this - you could store your cash at 4.84% interest in an Investment ISA). The Investment ISA is also FSCS-protected. You're welcome to withdraw your cash whenever you like!

    3) In about a month, you will be given a £30 gift card (in our experience it normally takes around 1 week!).

    *The gift card is supplied by one4all and can be used at over 170 retailers both online/in-store!

    4) AJ Bell Dodl reserves the right to reclaim the £30 voucher if you close or transfer your account within 12 months. However, we asked them and they said it's "highly unlikely" they'll enforce this. Best to spend the voucher quickly to avoid any issues.

    5) Enjoyed this offer? Why not try a similar Investment offer:

    Join the discussion for this offer here.

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